How Product Shredding Saves the Environment?
- Product Shredding -
Uniform shredding, Clothing ShredidIdentity Cards, Casino Chips, Playing Cards
Uniform Shredding
Police Uniforms
Emergency Service Uniforms
Clothing Shredding
Corporate Logo Uniforms
Designer Branded Clothing
Casino Chip Shredding
Recalled Product Shredding
Plastics & Metals Shredding
Textiles and Fibers Shredding
Branded Swag Shredding
Calling Cards Shredding
Cosmetics Shredding
Food Products Shredding
Lottery Ticket Shredding
Stamp Shredding
Playing Cards Shredding
X-Ray Destruction
Credit Cards Shredding
Building Entry Card Shredding
PBA Card Shedding
Expired Credit Cards
Driver License Shredding.
Obsolete Product Shredding
Damaged Goods Shredding, Over the Counter Pharmaceuticals, Obsolete Products & Materials, Obsolete Packaging
When you have materials in need of secure destruction, protecting your brand and dramatically reducing liability are top of mind. Leave it to to remove and destroy them securely for real peace of mind. Our certified destruction process ensures that your products or materials become unrecognizable and will never reach the market place, only
the landfill. If you choose, we can recycle and/or reprocess any valuable, non-identifying material or component. We also provide you a Certificate of Destruction upon completion.
Product Shredding
Product shredding reduces your environmental footprint, protects you from identity theft, and increases paper reuse by shredding your waste paper. According to a study, the average American uses 700 pounds of paper a year.
How Shredding Paper Helps the Environment
Paper shredding that is environmentally friendly, socially responsible, and economically viable for future generations is called sustainable paper shredding. In other words, your company is taking steps to lessen its negative influence on the environment and lower its carbon footprint.
· Reductions in Forest Destruction
Vast tracts of forest are cleared each year to meet the ever-increasing need for paper. In addition to releasing oxygen into the atmosphere, trees also act as a life support system for ecosystems and improve air quality. Humans contaminate the air and damage the ozone layer by chopping down virgin forests, inflicting catastrophic damage to the environment.
However, if you opt for paper shredding, you save your forest from getting cut down in its prime. This is because the shredded paper can be recycled.
· Potential for Compost
Composting shredded paper is the next step. You should avoid dumping papers in the landfill. Instead, choose an environmentally friendly method of disposing of your shredded paper. This way, your old papers will be turned into a nutritious organic fertilizer for the soil and the plants.
· Ecological Benefits at a Reduced Cost
The cost to make paper comprises labor expenditures and raw materials such as paper pulp. By shredding and recycling your papers, you are helping the environment and saving money. Therefore, you should destroy all the sensitive documents at home and at work to get the full environmental and economic benefits.
· Environmental Stability
Kitchen towels, paper towels, writing paper, bath tissue, egg cartons, shopping bags, lampshades, and more are all made from recycled shredded paper. As a result, paper recycling promotes environmental stability. On the other hand, new paper production necessitates cutting down other trees. It is more wasteful and polluting as it consumes 70% more energy and water than recycled paper. Just one ton of recycled paper protects 17 trees and allows new trees to absorb carbon dioxide, which helps keep the air we breathe cleaner for everyone.
· Reduces the Need for Waste Disposal
The more paper is recycled, the fewer trees must be cut down to produce paper. As a result, trees are being saved. An average paper can be recycled about five to seven times.
· Reduces the Use of Freshwater
Did you know that only one kilogram of paper requires 324 liters of water? Paper production consumes the most water of any industrial process on a per-pound basis. Carbon dioxide emissions associated with paper products are the third-highest globally. Therefore, you should opt for product shredding.
Final Words
More and more customers are concerned about environmental issues and product quality. As a result, they are drawn to businesses that take social responsibility seriously. Customers will regard your company in high esteem if they believe that you are committed to environmental stewardship and employs other environmentally friendly business practices. Get in touch with today and take advantage of their efficient services!