Benefits of Residential Shredding

Are you dissatisfied with the documents piling up at your home office? Well, then, it’s time to give a residential shredding service a call. Now, most people have always thrown important papers in the curbside trash bins for recycling in hopes that this would aid the paper recycling facility.

However, not all the papers are supposed to be in that bin; many of the documents you throw away, like old prescriptions, expired licenses, and identity cards, are the potential documents thieves need to claim a new identity.

According to the laws of the different states in the US, every citizen is legally bound to always give documents with sensitive or personal information to a certified shredder and ask for a certificate as proof of destruction. There are many ways in which shredding is now possible: onsite shredding and offsite shredding; residential shredding is an example of onsite shredding.

What is Residential Shredding?

Another name for residential shredding is mobile shredding. This is a type of onsite shredding in which the shredder comes to your premise and then shred out the confidential materials in front of you.

Benefits of Residential Shredding

A Convenient and Efficient Method

The first benefit of residential shredding is that it is a convenient way of sorting out confidential documents or records. Instead of piling them up in a corner and ruining the aesthetic vibe of the room with clutter, the consoles are there put things in them.

Saves Your Money on Fuel

Secondly, the shredding facilities are usually far away from the residential areas, so you have to go and return to do a bit of shredding. With high gas prices and global warming at its peak, it is best to save energy and sit at home. Calling the shredding service will be beneficial because they are already making frequent stops at different locations so that it won’t have an adverse effect.

Are Legally Compliant

Just like other shredding facilities, residential shredding services are also legally compliant with the state laws in which they work.

How Does Residential Shredding Work?

Firstly, you need to make an appointment with a mobile shredding service that is approved by the authorities. Then, you will be asked how many locked consoles you will need to add the confidential material; this material could be anything from paper to a microchip to an old tablet with important information.

Within a given time frame, the customer is asked to complete the sorting, and the date is selected on which the industrial-sized shredder fixed in the truck arrives at the premise.

The consoles are counted, and the evidence of each item is recorded into the video camera. Then, the consoles are emptied, and an audit is done before throwing everything in the shredder. This all occurs in the presence of the guardian of the data. After the items are shredded, an authentic certificate is provided to that person with the footage of the shredding procedure as evidence. This evidence holds high regard in legal matters.